Thursday, June 30, 2005


I feel kind of obligated to write here as often as I can, I figure that if people are going to check this, I should at least take the time to update it every so often. I went shopping a new outfit for the reunion tomorrow....I am getting anxious now, I think I just want to have it be over and done with. I am looking forward to seeing Rhonda and Nicole...I wonder how Nicole's pregnancy is going....I hope she'll be there. I haven't talked to Rhonda since right around the time Warren and I moved to Wellston...its been about 4 years now...I wonder how she's doing? I guess I'll find out soon enough!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Up all night

I think its been long enough. I haven't been diligent about posting because when I get home from work, I am exhausted...I fall into bed and don't want to crawl back out. Since I have one day off in a row, I will be up all night so as not to mess with my scheduled sleeping pattern.

Mom said Lori and Kurt were in the casino Saturday night, but by the time I got there, they were long gone. I did see Julie Dulinski, however, she has not changed a single bit. She's still working in Ludington at the hospital, and living by herself...she bought a house. Things seem to be going well for her...I wish her the best.

Well, the reunion draws near and I now HAVE to go. I was given the night off so I could attend. No more dragging my feet, now I have no choice in the matter. I don't know why I am dreading it so bad...I just hate having to pretend to be nice for an entire evening. And sometimes it gets to be a real bore...BUT I'LL TRY! If I have to...

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Well, I am in a but of a bind now. I wave already RSVP'd to our reunion, and now I have to work. I really want to go...but then again, I am looking for any excuse to stay home too. I don't know what I am afraid of, I just really am dreading going. I feel as though I should, I did tell Amy that I would meet her there. I suppose I might go for a little while anyway...Now I need to figure out what the heck to wear....Any suggestions?

Mom got her hot tub on Monday...she was already in it at 4:30, when I left her house...I don't know about that woman sometimes...

Monday, June 20, 2005

Sibling Rivalry

Lori, I was thinking about the post you had about your sister and it made me think about how much fun Eric and I have together. I that I will definitely have more than one child..If anything, that would give me an instant babysitter--like my mom had with me. Not only that, but I think you almost need a sibling to challenge you to do things better...and you also need someone that will kick your butt when you need it. And another thing, you always need someone else to take the blame for the broken things that always occur when you play baseball in the house. (not that I know anything about that, mom) I swear--it WAS Eric and his friends!

Besides, I know that Warren feels about the same way about his brother, and they don't even talk that much anymore, but when they do, they pick right back up where they left off. I guess that's the good thing about siblings, you can fight all you want, and argue all the time, but when the chips are down, they'll always be your brother, or sister, and nothing can change that.

I might not always like the choices he makes, and I might make fun of him all the time, but I guess I am kind of proud of my retarded little brother...

Friday, June 17, 2005


That's about all I have to say. There's nothing new. I did find out (scarily enough) that there was a knife and a gun pulled at that party last weekend...I don't understand people, I swear! No one was seriously injured. Thank goodness. Speaking of people being injured, its been all over the news that some guy was stabbed on River Street in Manistee on Saturday morning. The stabber is being sought, and the stabee was from Westland, nothing fatal, but I hear it was close to a major artery...some people should not be allowed out in public. It still unknown if the two knew each other, or if this was just another random act of violence. MAN AM I GLAD I MOVED OUT TO THE STICKS!!!!!!!!!! The worst thing I have had happen here is when that guy broke into our house right after we moved in. He's finally done serving his time and whatnot, I got a restitution check for like $13.00 I was like, YA-HOO! There's progress in the legal system for you....It was like his 3rd in home invasion and he got fricking PROBATION! The prosecutor told us that since he was a model probationer the LAST TIME he did this, they would probably give him probation again....and they DID! I saw his wife at the court house and she told her kids "there's the lady that's making daddy go away again" I was so pissed...but she had kids, so I was forced to bite my tongue again and not say anything...but if I see Phil Pelarski or his nasty stupid *itch wife somewhere, its on! By the way, he's still not legally allowed anywhere near me either!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

summer nights

There are some great big creepy crawlies outside my window tonight. I am trying to listen to the Pistons game while doing my e-mailing...its not going very well, I keep having to get up and go into the den to check the score...the "Stones" are winning right now...I hope they can hold on to their lead for 8 more minutes! Any way, the bugs are distracting...part of the fun of living in the sticks I guess...I don't mind the froggies and the birds and deer..I am not fond of the mice and the biting insects, however....Oh well, back to the game..I hear a whistle being blown!

Monday, June 13, 2005

Marilla Daze

Went to Aaron's party this weekend-drank waaay too much..and had far too much fun! It makes me wonder why we quit going out...until Sunday morning when my mom and dad stopped by to take us to breakfast and I couldn't get my head out of the toilet...Its gross, I know, but true. I promised myself I would not drink like that again...but its summer, and there was a fire and fireworks, good friends and roasted well as live music..I couldn't resist.

I had spent most of the day showing Warren's mom and g-pa how to deep fry and beer can cook chickens. They've decided to do like a hundred chickens for the family reunion this summer...even if its onle 40 chickens, its still going to be a lot of work...and of course, I've already committed to help...I need to have my head examined!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

its been a while

so I figured I'd better get on and let everyone know I am still the clinical sense anyway. I have worked the last three "nights"--I go in at 2 am and get out at 10. Until last night, I was having fun, and then I had to stand at a dead table for like 5 hours! IT SUCKED! I was dealing 3 card poker, and no one wanted to play with me. I wasn't just me though, for most of the night, there wasn't a single player at any of the table games...We should be getting busy soon, and then I am sure I will long for these days.

Personal life wise, there's not much going on. Mom and Dad are getting their hot tub next I might have to go check it out. We're going to "Marilla Days" this weekend--Warren's friend throws this huge annual party where local bands jam and they roast a pig...we have gone the last couple of years and had a blast...I love his friends...they're mostly all good guys...His aunt and uncle are going with us..they're really close to us in age, so we have a blast hanging out..they're fun to be with too. I can't wait!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

busy busy busy

Yeaterday, we had 2 grad parties and 1 wedding to go to. This required me to use my impeccable planning skills as they were all over the place. The open houses were nice, I enjoy having a chance to chat with the families of the girls and let them all know how much they will be missed...its also fun to see where most of their idiosyncrasies come from. The wedding was one of the best receptions I've been to in quite some time. It was the Sexton-VanAtter wedding, most of Warren's cohorts from the High school were there...we had a blast. I haven't laughed that much in a long time. Then we went to the Deer Horn afterward with his friend Andy Frigon. He'll be graduating from Law school at Wayne in December. He's into probate, so I guess I'll be seeing him when I'm dead...ha-ha...It was nice to see all those people, sometimes I almost feel like I went to Brethren with him...I see more of them than I do my class...except for Joe Hendges, who works at Brethren now...

Well, Its a beautiful day, and I can't be inside any longer.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Another season on the books

We went to watch the softball districts for Brethren. we had the bye in the first round, so we played the 2nd game against Manistee Catholic (who beat Onekama to play us). The girls did not play as well as I know they can play, they just don't ever seem hungry for victory! They start to get behind in the count, and all of their heads go down, and they start to make mental mistakes. They do it all the time in every sport....I've seen Basketball, Volleyball, and now softball for myself....I know they could be better, but I don't know how to convince them of that fact. Otherwise, nothing new to report...

We did have dinner at Big Al's tonight!!! I had been craving a sub from there for several months...and now I finally got one--it was wonderful!!!! I loved every bite! Next thing on my list in Scrib's Pizza from Muskegon....which Warren hates!!! He just doesn't know a good thing!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Surround sound and babies

Well, I hooked up Warren's surround sound he can watch the Pistons get hosed by the officials, and hear every curse word that's said. He is the happiest man right now...I guess small things make him happy...I saw Kristen Ware today, she is VERY pregnant, she looks SO uncomfortable...and I got word from Kelly (Weaver) Bouchard that they are expecting their 2nd...congrats Kelly and Chris! It seems like everyone I talk to is either having a baby, or is telling me about someone having a baby. I am starting to wonder if my mother hasn't gotten to everyone...and told them all to remind me that we're not getting any younger here...I am sure we will eventually have children, or adopt, whatever....I just don't think we're quite ready yet...Besides, I don't want to have to clean out our "spare" room quite yet.LOL...Not only that, but I think Peanut is enjoying being an only child!