I am so sick of turning on the news and seeing more of GW playing in the sand. I wonder when he'll get tired of those toys and move on to another 'target'. It shouldn't be too long now. I am sorry if you are really I AM sorry, I thought your parents would have raised you better. While I am ranting about politics...I don't know what to do about the Governor's race here in Michigan. I don't know which of the 2 choices are going to be worse. Our current First 'Lady' in quite a piece of work herself. I think I might write Lori in...I don't think that would be too bad... We could at least know for sure that we were not being lied to on a daily basis. Hmmm.
There is nothing to report on the personal side. I am working, shopping, and sleeping..Pretty much in that order. And on Saturday morning, I am going to be drinking too. I guess I am pretty much a Manistee-an and that scares me to no end. I am looking forward to Kelly coming home next month. I have a couple of free passes to our golf course, so we can go and not spend anything! There's only one thing I love more than golf, and that's free golf!