Thursday, October 25, 2007

Van Halen ROCKED!

Ok, so I was not that excited to see Van Halen, I was going purely out of wifely obligation. I really did have a great time. We had crappy seats, but it was still a good time. We stayed at the homestead suites on University in Auburn Hills, they were great, I highly recommend that hotel to anyone wanting to stay in that area. We got a good room with a full size frig, a cooktop, and a kitchen/bar was nice.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Costume ideas?

I am trying to figure out what I should be for Halloween. Some friends of mine are having a party, and I don't know what costume to choose. Anyone have any ideas?

Thursday, October 04, 2007

all moved in

Well, Warren and I are all moved into our new/old house. We moved back into the original paprtment we lived in when we were first dating. The landlord has put in about $10,000 in renovations, so its like a whole new house. We are back in town, which kinda sucks, but at least I know where everything is. His brother has been staying with us to help us move everything, its been really helpful. I also finally got digital internet and cable, so I am no longer stuck in dial up I am in a new kind of hell, where the wireless connection drops out whenever the mood strikes it. DAMNIT!