Monday, June 20, 2005

Sibling Rivalry

Lori, I was thinking about the post you had about your sister and it made me think about how much fun Eric and I have together. I that I will definitely have more than one child..If anything, that would give me an instant babysitter--like my mom had with me. Not only that, but I think you almost need a sibling to challenge you to do things better...and you also need someone that will kick your butt when you need it. And another thing, you always need someone else to take the blame for the broken things that always occur when you play baseball in the house. (not that I know anything about that, mom) I swear--it WAS Eric and his friends!

Besides, I know that Warren feels about the same way about his brother, and they don't even talk that much anymore, but when they do, they pick right back up where they left off. I guess that's the good thing about siblings, you can fight all you want, and argue all the time, but when the chips are down, they'll always be your brother, or sister, and nothing can change that.

I might not always like the choices he makes, and I might make fun of him all the time, but I guess I am kind of proud of my retarded little brother...

1 comment:

Lori Anne Haskell said...

hehe. I know, we hate to admit that we actually like them now, hun? Christie and I actually still argue to this day, but at least she does not chase me around the house with butcher knives anymore.....